Participant's Studies
Though the main thrust of our community is extemporaneous debate, some F.A.C.T.S. visitors are ambitious enough to put some work where their mouth is and present information in an organized format. For that we are grateful and feel that such hard work should not go unnoticed. Below you will find references to ongoing seminars, reviews, and essays written by F.A.C.T.S. participants. |
Since these links exist outside the F.A.C.T.S. site, use the 'back' button on your browser to return |
The Skeptic's Guide to Dharma (Tim A's Ongoing Series-also archived at Unfacts) Review of 'Living Energy Universe' (Excellent book review by Marc- archived at Unfacts) The Sethian Perspective (Ned blasts the Sethians-A Critique- archived at Unfacts) |